
2 May, 2005

A report released by Marine Conservation Biology Institute (MCBI) and Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), suggests that deep sea life holds major promise for the treatment of human illnesses (1). But scientists are increasingly concerned that bottom trawling may be destroying medically beneficial species before they are even discovered.

Continue reading Potential cancer cures from the deep sea threatened by high seas bottom trawling

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2 January, 2005

The Pacific Islands and island people are living on vulnerable environmental frontlines. “As indigenous people, we depend on biodiversity for our traditional ways of life, and are entitled to an equitable share of benefits,” said Maureen Penjueli, speaking for indigenous peoples at the SIDS Panel on Environmental Vulnerability.

Continue reading Coalition calls on SIDS and international community to address environmental vulnerabilities of Pacific Island countries and halt the destruction of high seas biodiversity by deep sea bottom trawlers

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