Our Current Focus

The objective of the DSCC is to protect vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems and conserve deep-sea species, recognizing that this has wide implications for the ocean as a whole, Earth systems and human wellbeing.

Our work focuses on three main areas: 

  • Deep-sea mining
  • Deep-sea fishing
  • Ocean governance

Deep-sea mining

The DSCC is working to ensure that marine habitats, biodiversity and ecosystems – including ecosystem functions – are effectively protected from harmful effects of deep-sea mining. In practical terms, that means we are calling for a global moratorium on all exploration and mining activity until the risks are better understood and it can be clearly demonstrated that mining can be managed in a way that ensures the effective protection of the marine environment and prevents loss of biodiversity.

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Deep-sea fishing

The DSCC is working to ensure effective implementation of the United Nations General Assembly resolutions which commit nations to protect deep-sea ecosystems from damage caused by bottom fisheries on the high seas. Within this we are seeking to protect all seamounts in the high seas from the destructive impacts of deep-sea bottom trawling.

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Ocean governance

An important new intergovernmental treaty for the conservation of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) is being negotiated. The DSCC is active in trying to ensure that the new treaty is effective at protecting the deep sea.