hydrothermal vent

20 September, 2006

Ninety per cent of the world’s oceans are unexplored and only a tiny 0.0001% of the biology of the deep seafloor has been investigated, but the limited studies to date of these cold, deep, dark places find many wonderful surprises. Amazing new species, colourful luminescent life, cold water coral reefs 8,500 years old – 35m high, 40km long and 3km wide. Fantastical and beautiful.

Continue reading Protect the Kakadu’s of the deep

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2 January, 2005

The Pacific Islands and island people are living on vulnerable environmental frontlines. “As indigenous people, we depend on biodiversity for our traditional ways of life, and are entitled to an equitable share of benefits,” said Maureen Penjueli, speaking for indigenous peoples at the SIDS Panel on Environmental Vulnerability.

Continue reading Coalition calls on SIDS and international community to address environmental vulnerabilities of Pacific Island countries and halt the destruction of high seas biodiversity by deep sea bottom trawlers

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