bottom trawling

5 October, 2004

Deep sea bottom trawling has been compared to clearcutting ancient forests or using a bulldozer to catch rabbits. Campaigning to save the high seas from the most destructive form of fishing, the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition held press conferences in London, New York and Chile.

Continue reading Around the world, the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition calls for UN action to stop the deep sea destruction

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20 September, 2004

In a letter to EU Fisheries Minister Franz Fischler and the External Affairs, Environment and Fisheries Ministers of all EU Member States, the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition expressed deep concern “if the European Union were to advocate that the UN FAO and/or Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) take the lead in resolving this issue.”

Continue reading United Nations General Assembly must play the lead role in resolving the threat to deep-sea biodiversity posed by bottom trawling on the high seas

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13 September, 2004

In spite of the failure of the European Union to take a leadership role to protect vulnerable deep-sea ecosystems, the United Nations Informal Consultative Process on the Law of the Seas (UNICPOLOS) called on countries to accelerate action to protect deep-sea ecosystems and deal with the impact of bottom trawl fishing on the high seas.

Continue reading UNICPOLOS calls on countries to speed up action on high seas bottom trawling

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