
Opening Statement to the 35th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) in Halifax NS, September 23-27th 2013.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization


27th September 2013

The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition together with Ecology Action Centre comment on ‘NAFO Makes Progress on Protecting Deep Sea Ecosystems. Bycatch and Unregulated Fisheries Continue to be a Conservation Problem’.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization


27th September 2013

Authors: P. Daniel van Denderen, Tobias van Kooten and Adriaan D. Rijnsdorp, Proc. R. Soc. B 2013 280, 20131883.

Bottom trawls are a globally used fishing gear that physically disturb theseabed and kill non-target organisms, including those that are food forthe targeted fish species. There are indications that ensuing changes to thebenthic invertebrate community may increase the availability of food andpromote growth and even fisheries yield of target fish species. If and howthis occurs is the subject of ongoing debate, with evidence both in favourand against. We model the effects of trawling on a simple ecosystem ofbenthivorous fish and two food populations (benthos), susceptible andresistant to trawling. We show that the ecosystem response to trawlingdepends on whether the abundance of benthos is top-down or bottom-upcontrolled.


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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas


4th September 2013

Anthropogenic marine debris is an increasing concern because of its potential negative impacts onmarine ecosystems. Due to the technical challenges and prohibitive costs of conducting researchin the deep sea, little is known about the abundance, types, sources, and impacts of human refuse on this vast habitat, and the extreme depths to which this debris is penetrating has only recently been exposed. We reviewed 1149 video records of marine debris from 22 years of remotely operated vehicle deployments in Monterey Bay, covering depths from 25 m to 3971 m. We characterize debris by type, examine patterns of distribution, and discuss potential sources and dispersal mechanisms.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas


1st September 2013

Deep Sea Conservation Coalition Brief to the 19th Session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Kingston, Jamaica (July 2013).

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Deep-Sea Mining, ISA

International Seabed Authority


13th July 2013

Letter to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania adressing the ‘Lack of Council response to the deep-sea fisheries proposal COM(2012) 371’.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, European Union


10th July 2013