Wriggling, Googly-Eyed Mass Astonishes Deep-Sea Researchers

Date: September 24, 2018

Source: Live Science
Author: Rafi Letzter

In a strange, underwater video, a black mass drifts toward the camera. It’s made up of a dark, spherical blob up front and a long, thin tail in the back.

“What is that?” a voice asks.

“Oh, wow,” says another.

“Looks like a Muppet,” says a third.

As the camera, mounted on an undersea, remotely piloted vehicle, approaches the mass, its face resolves. Big, googly eyes stare out from the front of the sphere, appearing, indeed, Muppet-like. A rigid line encircles the sphere about its equator. More sounds of approval come from the explorer team on board the research vessel Nautilus.

The camera gets a bit closer, and the sphere becomes something else: a writhing, amorphous shape, like a black rubber ball — or a ball of some more-uncanny material — trying to contain a tornado inside itself, inflating all the while.

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