Damage to world’s oceans ‘to reach $2 trillion a year’

Date: March 21, 2012

Source: Reuters

Author: Nina Chestney

LONDON, March 21 – The cost of damage to the world’s oceans from climate change could reach $2 trillion a year by 2100 if measures to cut greenhouse gas emissions are not stepped up, a study by marine experts said on Wednesday.

The study found that without action to limit rising greenhouse gas emissions, the global average temperature could rise by 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century causing ocean acidification, sea level rise, marine pollution, species migration and more intense tropical cyclones. It would also threaten coral reefs, disrupt fisheries and deplete fish stocks.

In the study, “Valuing the Ocean”, marine experts led by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) analysed the most severe threats facing the world’s marine environment and estimated the cost of damage from global warming.


Continue reading: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/21/climate-cost-oceans-idUSL6E8EK22Q20120321

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