
The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) respectfully submits this briefing for the First Meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO).

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South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation


1st January 2013

The following submission on behalf of the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) addresses several issues of relevance and provides recommendations to the Third Preparatory Conference of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission and the meeting of the Interim Scientific Working Group 30-31 August 2012.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas

North Pacific Fisheries Commission


1st August 2012

A new European Commission proposal to overhaul the regulation of deep-sea fisheries in the northeast Atlantic Ocean is a promising step toward transforming the area into a sustainable fishery. The proposal would repeal Council Regulation (EC) 2347/2002 (the ‘deep-sea access regime’) and establish new conditions for EU vessels fishing for deep-sea species in the northeast Atlantic.

Author: The Pew Environment Group

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Deep-Sea Fishing, European Union, Science


17th July 2012

Given the interconnectedness of the world’s oceans to the rest of the planetary life-support system, there cannot be the future we want without the ocean we need. Paragraphs 158 to 177 and paragraph 248 of “The Future We Want” address issues that are critical to the sustainability of the global ocean. Now, governments and stakeholders need to roll up their sleeves, and act on what has been formally agreed by all governments on the highest political level at Rio+20. The High Seas Alliance and Deep Sea Conservation Coalition (DSCC) have outlined the priority commitments agreed in Rio for high seas protection and provided actions to be taken to ensure the agreed commitments are met in a timely manner.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas


9th July 2012

As stated in the Process for the Review of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) Regulation on Bottom Fishing adopted by the Commission at its Annual Meeting in November 2011 (AM 2011-75), the objective of the review is to assess current NEAFC measures on regulating bottom fishing and, if required, to make recommendations to the Commission, in order to ensure alignment between the NEAFC regulations and the measures called for in the most recent relevant UNGA Resolutions (e.g. 64/72, paragraphs 119, 122) and the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas. With these terms of reference in mind, we have provided the following comments, observations and recommendations.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas

North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission


25th June 2012

The principles of sustainable management of marine capture fisheries and the protection of biodiversity are established by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and its implementing agreement.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas, Science


15th June 2012

Opening statement by Deep Sea Conservation Coalition and Natural Resources Defense Council at The fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdictin in New York.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, High Seas



7th May 2012

Greenpeace Opening statement at The fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction (UN BBNJ) in New York.

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High Seas Treaty, International Ocean Governance



7th May 2012

As currently practised, deep-sea fishing has serious and widespread environmental consequences for deep-sea fishing countries, the international community, and ocean ecosystems. Studies reveal that deep-sea fishing fleets around the world are causing significant harm to the ocean ecosystem by damaging vulnerable marine ecosystems both within their Exclusive Economic Zones and on the high seas. Such damage occurs through bottom contact with fragile habitats and the overfishing of highly vulnerable deep-sea species. Many deep-sea species are now believed to be depleted regionally, if not globally.

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Deep-Sea Fishing, European Union, High Seas, Policy


1st January 2012